AdventureOut Logo

As a community minded business, we understand the value of giving back to important causes and organisations. As such we have a program of support for a number of charities and community run programs, which give back to the community.

We are currently supporting ADventure Out, a not for profit enterprise who do incredible work improving the lives of people living with disability. ADventure Out was established in January 2021 as a Charity. They are a Disability Social Group with a lot of heart and fun operating in the St George & Sutherland Shire LGA’s catering to participants aged 18-65 with mild physical and intellectual disabilities.

ADventure Out provides support to our participants by facilitating access to a range of social group activities including visits to movie theatres and live shows, clubs, outdoor barbecues and picnics, ferry trips, museums, walking and swimming activities.  Participants are picked up from their homes and transported to various activities, then taken home again.

Their aim is to alleviate the isolation, depression and mental health issues that can develop as a result of lack of social interaction for such members of the community, as well as provide respite to their carers and families. ADventure Out also provides one to one support to NDIS participants to enable them to remain living independently in their own home.

At a recent outing, Go With The Gecko proudly donated a new vehicle to their worthy cause, to aid in the transportation of their participants around town to their gatherings. Through our online booking system, we also give our customers the opportunity to donate additional funds to this great cause.  To find out more about the great work ADventure Out offers the community and to support their cause, please visit their website.

In addition, we provide sponsorship and community support to a number of grass roots sporting clubs to help the local community to enjoy a fit and active lifestyle and to give more of our young Australian’s the opportunity to enjoy team and individual sport.

We currently support:

Whilst we would like to provide support to more grass roots sporting clubs and community events, it is simply not possible to support everyone.  If you would like to submit a request for sponsorship consideration, please email our marketing team.


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